
Yesterday, I woke up angry. 

You are the biggest coward I have ever known. 

How easily you played with dishonesty and selfishness

Every single day.

How easily you found a perverse sense of heroism

When we began to crumble.


I want you to be



You made a grand mistake

Thinking I was not worth any truth.

You told me lie after lie

As if I had ever asked you to speak.


Your purpose was heartbreak

A pain I had not yet experienced.

The tears came 

Then laughter.

Now anger,

But she will soon subside


And you

will be forgotten.


I hope

For someone else's sake

That you grow capable of respect and genuity.

But I know that you will not.


These are my last words to you;

the only ones that fit. 


I'm Awake.


For Peace's Sake